February 17-18, 2023
Traditional UNA-USA
ECOSOCResponding to global water crisis caused by climate change, conflicts and waste
ECOFINResponding to global economic crisis caused due to the Russo-Ukrainian war
UNHRCAiding for humanitarian support and recovery for post conflict regions
IPCCResponding to rising sea levels and more severe natural disasters due to climate change
Security CouncilResolving conflict and bringing peace to Ukraine and Eastern Europe
HIST 1: 1945 Yalta ConferencePromoting Global Stability Through the Defeat of Axis Powers & Seeking Post-War Balance of Power
HIST 2: CHOGMDeliberating commonwealth courses of action in response to 1980’s crises
FICT: COSECDistributing limited resources for the extraplanetary advances of the 30th century
Crisis 1Ensuring the protection of food security in refugee camps
Crisis 2: The Roaring 20'sCollaborating effectively to combat the arising threat posed by criminal organizations
Crisis 3: Ad hocThe agenda and background guide will be released on the day of the conference.